Friend #5 - Kate
The interesting thing I’ve learned about meeting a person for the first time is that it usually only allows you to see them in the current moment. Whether the observer is aware of it or not, the other person’s reality is colored by what is going on in their life, whether it’s happy or sad or chaotic or nostalgic. If you listen closely the subconscious is drifting to whatever is at the forefront of their mind, and in a way the words passing through their lips are the reflection of their subconscious. Typically, there is a common theme that presents itself but no one’s life is comprised of just one theme. We are all made up of different parts, feelings, moods and stages of life. Our lives are a jigsaw puzzle of opposites that give our reality depth instead of reading as one flat character on a page. In the moment, we all typically wear just one mask to show the world, but sometimes, you find a rare person who will throw all the masks on at on...