Friend #30 – Mark

One of the joys of Mark’s life is the high rise condo he owns overlooking Tempe Town Lake.  It’s a small, one bedroom dwelling with clean lines, unbefitting to any clutter.  The building residents are friendly and familiar, making the tower a community.  The views are incredible, and if Mark leaves for an international traveling adventure, the space is virtually unchanged from the moment he closes the door to the moment he returns.  Mark loves the simplicity it gives his life.  It is his sanctuary.

And for Mark, he finds genius in simplicity.  He likes to walk places when he has the opportunity.  He loves riding his bike and dining in quaint, local restaurants.  He loves music and cars.  A sticker to put on his wheels might be the thing that brings him an enormous amount of joy that day.  And he does feel a lot of joy in his life.  His motto is “Enjoy Life Daily” and often, he does.  Of course, no one can be joyful all the time.  There was a period last year when he broke things off with his fiancé that life became more difficult, but he always makes the attempt.  And he confesses that we all need challenging times in our lives.  It makes us appreciate when things are good. 

Mark’s passion is in helping people.  He started his personal coaching business in 2011 and every time he gets a note, thanking him for his help and encouragement in making someone a success, Mark’s heart grows just a little bit in his chest.  He’s proud of the person for taking the steps necessary to accomplish their goals and he is grateful for the wisdom the Lord has given him to help others help themselves.  Over the past few years, Mark has become exceptionally close with the members of his men’s prayer group and even goes so far as to say that the group has a bond of unconditional love flowing between them.  He even credits the group with helping him to grow his own personal faith.

He’s smart, handsome and well-read.  He has a wealth of knowledge on a number of topics but he’s also a great listener.  In fact, he’s such a good listener that it’s difficult for a babbler-mouth like me to get to know the man beneath his confident, balanced exterior.  He exudes kindness and genuineness.  He’s a person that likes to reach out and give a stranger a compliment, even if they give him a look of shock…because strangers don’t really reach out without intention anymore.  But Mark does.

To look at him and his life, one would think Mark has always been blessed as one of the lucky ones.  But buried underneath years of gratitude and happiness is a reality that the occasional onlooker doesn’t see.  When Mark was in college, he suffered from depression.  So much so that he eventually sought help because he was contemplating taking his own life.  He didn’t know it then because he was so young but happiness doesn’t always come in a straight line.  There are moments in life when we all feel hopeless. But then the moment passes…and life goes on. 

Recently, Mark has taken the time to celebrate his victory in overcoming that period of his life.  It makes him even more grateful now for every day he has and he wants to share his story because somewhere out there a person is suffering from depression.  They are thinking of committing suicide and Mark is the living example of how beautiful a life can become if life is simply allowed to grow.


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  2. Greetings Erica, how lucky you are to meet Mark and Mark is to meet you. You must be a great listener too because you plucked out many of the wonderful things that "makes Mark who he is." I've known Mark for several years even though we live many states apart. He's an amazing friend who always (always) has just the right book to recommend to bring joy into my life. He's a down-to-earth person who exudes humor/enthusiasm/humility the same time. Truly a rare type of person. One of my favorite things about Mark is his mantra, "Enjoy life daily!" He means that and with every interaction, Mark brings more joy into my life. Thanks again for your amazing, brave journey and the great post about your friendship with Mark. Blessings!

    1. Thank you, Loren. You may have said it better than I could say myself. Mark is a truly special person.


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